
From Rhetoric to Reality

New Jersey Senate Upholds Impartiality with Confirmation of Transgender Cabinet Official

3 min readJun 25, 2023
New Jersey
Photo by Robert Byeon Unsplash

In a historic moment for New Jersey, Allison Chris Myers has achieved confirmation as the first transgender Cabinet Member in the state’s history. As chair and CEO of the New Jersey Civil Service Commission, Myers will oversee the state’s hiring and promotion protocols. Her background in public service is extensive, as she has previously held positions as the deputy attorney general and director of the Division of Civil Rights within the Department of Law and Public Safety. The vast knowledge and expertise that Myers possesses qualify her as a top candidate to serve in this position.

Opposition from conservative groups has historically made the confirmation process for transgender officials at the federal level quite challenging. Despite this, the confirmation of Myers received tremendous support from New Jersey lawmakers and advocacy groups. This confirmation marks an essential milestone for transgender people in government and politics. It shows that representation is moving forward and becoming more inclusive.

In New Jersey, Myers became the first transgender Cabinet Member, a tremendous breakthrough for transgender folks in government. It shows how transgender individuals not only have the ability but can make impactful changes for society. It also highlights the importance of impartiality in the confirmation process, as qualifications and experience should come first when high-profile government positions are selected. This confirmation is a step towards greater diversity and inclusion in government and politics.

The Role of Rhetoric and Impartiality in the Confirmation Process

Influential political talk can significantly affect the protocol of ratifying government officials, potentially swaying the assessment of nominees. In 2021, when the Senate verified Dr. Rachel Levine as assistant secretary for health, certain politicians weaponized her trans identity with hateful language for political benefit. This kind of talk can develop prejudice and harm the delicate confirmation procedure. Governor Phil Murphy recently lauded the qualifications and experience of Allison Chris Myers upon her appointment as chair and CEO of the New Jersey Civil Service Commission, thus demonstrating the crucial importance of impartiality in the confirmation process. Instead of considering political leanings or identity markers, politicians must prioritize qualifications and experience when evaluating nominees.

The confirmation process hinges on impartiality, as political leanings can have substantial implications. Supposing a nominee is judged unjustly for their political persuasion or identity, they may fail to confirm, even though they are exceptional for the role. This has the unpleasant outcome of losing skill and expertise within government positions, which can injure government agencies’ efficacy. Hence, politicians must go into the confirmation process unbiasedly and assess contenders founded on merit, not political affiliations or identities.

The recent appointment of Allison Chris Myers as New Jersey’s first transgender cabinet official underscores the significance of impartiality during confirmations. Myers’ confirmation was judged solely based on her skill set and expertise, disregarding her identity, and was approved by the State Senate. This illustrates that when politicians approach the confirmation process with an equitable mindset, they can make decisions that serve the government’s and its constituents’ best interests. Politicians can ensure that the most capable candidates are selected for government positions by withholding judgments based on one’s identity or political inclination and assessing nominees’ qualifications and experience alone, despite their background.


1. Governor Murphy to Name Allison Chris Myers as Acting …. (n.d.) Retrieved June 24, 2023, from
Myers, N.J.’s first transgender cabinet official, confirmed by …. (n.d.) Retrieved June 24, 2023, from
Phil Murphy names first out transgender NJ Cabinet member. (n.d.) Retrieved June 24, 2023, from
A first: US Senate confirms transgender doctor for key post. (n.d.) Retrieved June 24, 2023, from
N.J. governor appoints first openly transgender cabinet …. (n.d.) Retrieved June 24, 2023, from

Originally published at




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